When plastic gets under your skin
The average German produces almost 39 kg of plastic waste per year. If we continue like this, there will soon be more microplastics in the ocean than living creatures. You are probably surrounded by plastic more often than you would like. Many products we use and apply to our skin daily often contain microplastics!
Primary microplastics are tiny little particles. Unfortunately, such plastics are often used in the cosmetics industry. We know polyethylene terephthalate or "PET" for short in form of a bottle, but there are numerous other plastic abbreviations in cosmetics that are much more opaque, often declared as PE, PA or PP. Contrary to every expectation, microplastics do not decompose, plastics are not biodegradable and are extremely resistant to environmental influences. But before we flush millions of tons of microplastics down the drain into the oceans, we first apply them thickly to our skin. Next time pay attention to the ingredients when buying cosmetics and treat yourself to what's good. Many peelings are made out of plastic, but could easily be made with natural additives.
Really frightening is the fact that microplastics are produced specifically for the cosmetics industry. Plastics are mainly used in liquid or gel form as fillers or binders, and this despite the fact that plastic is an enormous problem for our environment. Plastic particles enter our oceans unhindered and endanger our ecosystem. Everything we flush down the drain, we eventually ingest again through food. Conversely, we are ultimately harming ourselves. It is so easy to change our personal care products to natural cosmetics.
Soap is not just soap. This market is also being targeted by the cosmetics industry. AWESOME BRAND can guarantee the quality of the soaps, because AWESOME SOAP is handmade from renewable raw materials. Only naturally pure essential oils are used as fragrances, as well as fantastically nourishing plant oils from controlled organic cultivation. The formula alone determines the scent of the soap, the foam and the color. The art of naturalness consists of consciously refraining from synthetic fragrances, dyes, preservatives, foaming agents, kerosenes, silicons, mineral oils and microplastics. We keep this promise of quality by working closely with our manufacturers.
Avoiding plastic waste is a first step in the right direction. This can be done superfast, especially in the bathroom, by using solid soap instead of shower gel. High quality natural soap like AWESOME SOAP is produced in a cold-process method. This way, the soap's natural glycerin remains contained and is not extracted and used elsewhere, as is the case with industrial soaps. You will feel the difference when treating your skin with this nourishing handmade soap.
Depending on its composition, solid soaps are suitable for showering and even for washing hair. Basically, solid soap is an all-purpose weapon and can be used from head to toe. Still, some are a tad better than others, soaps for special purposes, so to speak. In order not to stray too far from the topic at this point, lets see what most soaps have in common:
So less really is more. Ask yourself, how much do you really need in life? Life in plastic ain't fantastic after all.